The great alexander

A great Alexander 111 of Macedon [ 356-323 BC], popular known as Alexander the great was a Greek king of Macedon who created  one of the largest empires in ancient history. Alexander was born on [ 20 or 21] July 356 BC, in pella to Philip 11, the king of Macedon and Olympias. Alexander  received a claassical Greek education under the tutorshipof famed philosopher Aristotle, succeeded his father Philip 11 of Macedon to the throne in 336 BC, and died thirteen years later at the age of 32, in Babylon in 323 BC.  
                                                                                                                                                                               When Alexander was ten year old, a horse trader brought Philip a horse. The horse refused to be mounted by anyone and Philip ordered it to be taken away. ALEXANDER HOWEVER, DETECTED THE HORSE'S FEAR OF HIS OWN SHADOW AND ASKED FOR A TURN TO TAME THE HORSE, WHICH HE EVENTUALLY MANAGED. Alexander would name city after the horse Bucephalus, meaning   ' ox-head'. 

        Aristotale educated Alexander and his companions in medicine, philosophy, morals, religion, logic and art. From Aristotale's teaching, Alexander developed a passion for the works of homer. 
* The construction of a monumental tomb for his father Philip, "to match the greatest of the pyramids of Egypt".
* the eraction of great temples in delos, delphi, dodona, dium, amphipolis, cyrnus and ilium. 

