5 ayurvedic tips for hair removal at home

Hair removal is the process in which unwanted hair is removed by an hair removal cream or may be anyother devices. but by ayurvedic tips you can remove your unwanted hair without any risks and it is fully of Ayurvedic tips.

what is ayurveda: 

Ayurveda (Age: + Veda = Ayurveda) is one of the oldest medical systems in the world. It is a mixture of science, art and philosophy. The name 'Ayurveda' means 'knowledge related to life'. Ayurveda is Indian medicine.              .......... by google search 

Ten tips is here:

1. Pumice Stone

 -Soften your skin in warm water for 5 to 10 minutes.
 -Wet your pumice stone.
 -Lather soap on your skin.
 -Apply the pumice stone to your skin, rubbing in a circular motion with gentle pressure to remove hairs.
 -Rinse and repeat until all hair has been removed.

2. Papaya and turmeric

 -Mix together the papaya and turmeric to form a paste.
-Rub onto the skin liberally, massaging the mixture in so it reaches hair follicles.
-Leave for 15 minutes.
 -Wash off with water.
 -Repeat regularly to see a reduction in hair growth (2-3 times/week).

3. Egg Pack sugar and corn flour

- Take egg white of one egg .
- add it some sugar and corn flour.
- Beat it till you get a smooth paste.
- apply this paste to your body part.                          - after some time with the help of your finger rub this paste.
- do this process for minimally 1 week 

4.Honey, sugar and lemon 

- take 1 cup of sugar and 1/4 cup of honey
- mix it well for 1 minute
- boil this mixture about 20 minute
- place it for cool
- apply this paste on your skin after washing your skin well 
- and dry with a soft towel
- using cotton cloth on the paste pull it in the              direction of hair growth.
- do this process regularly

5. Turmeric milk and gram flour

- mixture 1 teaspoon Turmeric powder, 2                    tablespoons of milk, 1 tablespoon of gram flour.
- apply this paste on your skin and rub the paste in    circular motions.
- leave this paste for about 10 minute
- clean this area by clean dry towel.
- wash this area by clean water.

this is 5 ayurvedic tips for hair removal at home.

